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NSW Aboriginal Land Rights Association is a registered Incorporated Entity regulated by NSW Fair Trading and a registered charitable organisation regulated by the Australian Charities Not-For-Profit Commission. Our registration is based on three categories; 


  1. Public Benevolent Institution founded to assist in the relief of poverty among Aboriginal People in NSW.

  2. Advancing social and public welfare through our Sustainable Tenancy Management Program.

  3. Advancing public debate (promoting or opposing a change to any matter established by law, policy or practice in the Commonwealth, a state, territory or another country. This is achieved through our rapid response grassroots community organising.


Since we founded in March 2021, NSWALRA has operated on a small budget and already have had quite a small but significant impact in NSW Aboriginal Affairs. Our work is vital but it takes money to be resourced to achieve the required radical reforms through radical solutions. We refuse to take no for an answer and there is no other organisation doing the important work that we do. However, we need to be resourced adequately to continue our work! Below are some of our estimates for the 2022/2023 period;


BUSINESS OPERATIONS & MARKETING - $15,000 Renewal of registrations with ASIC, yearly membership fees, subscriptions (website, emails, canva, Google Drive Business, PO Box, vehicle registrations, NSW Land Registry Services Title Deeds and Certificates


COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT - $25,000 this is quite a gentle figure, however, to ensure our presence is felt, face to face contact is critical to community organising. This yearly estimate will cover the cost required to get our team out on the road across NSW and mobilise our people to reach the outcomes required and continue our successful Sustainable Tenancy Management Program.


STRATEGY & CAMPAIGNS - up to $10,000 per campaign covers the cost of our campaigns and conventions throughout 2022/2023. NSW Truth, & Reparatory Justice Commission in line with the NSW State Election and NSW Aboriginal Land Council Elections in 2022/2023. Trademark and copyright of campaign slogans and increasing Aboriginal voter registration and voter turnout for registered members of Local Aboriginal Land Councils.


If you would like further information on your interest to fund our cause contact our Founder/Executive Director, Clayton Simpson-Pitt on

0482 979 806 we'd love to sit down, have a yarn about how your funds can make an impact. We welcome anonymous donations by all means, if your inspired enough and want to get straight into donating, click on the links below.

NSWALRA Inc is proudly sponsored by 

To become a sponsor, contact our Founder/CEO on 0482 979 806 or email

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